In a previous blog post this month we shared how we were able to spend time visiting with Pastor Jeremiah of Congo For Christ Center while he visited National Community Church in Washington DC. During our time of fellowship we were able to get first hand updates on may of the initiatives and ministries going on in the D. R. Congo. The hours we spent with our dear brothers allowed us the opportunity to discuss many things and learn more ways we can continue to help them. We are happy to be able to share some of these needs with our faithful and generous Global Outreach partners:
Water System Improvements
The most urgent need is to improve the water system that supplies the Congo for Christ Center and surrounding community. You may recall that asking for prayer for water at a church service at NCC in April 2010, was what connected CCC and NCC together in a partnership that continues and grows year by year (see May and July 2011 Global Outreach newsletters). Currently CCC ends up going for a week or longer at a time without any water requiring them to carry it in jugs up the mountain for a long distance. The intake from the river needs to be changed as well as building a better foundation. They also need to keep a good supply of pipes on hand so they can be quickly replaced when damaged. We are awaiting the estimate, but expect it to be about $5,000 to improve the water supply.
Make a donation to improve the water supply system here.
Complete the Security Wall
We still need $14,000 to complete this very important project. The area of Uvira where CCC is located is one of the two poorest regions of the city with a large problem of alcohol, drugs and crime. The completed wall will greatly increase the safety of the orphans at Congo For Christ Center Orphanage and Mango Tree School.
Learn more about the CCC Security Wall here.
Make a donation to the CCC Security Wall here.
Mango Tree School Ceiling
Mango Tree School needs a ceiling. At the time of construction we did not have the funds to complete the ceiling so they started school without it. The ceiling is needed to protect the classrooms as well as provide insulation during the rainy season from the loud rain on the roof. These conditions make it difficult for the children to hear the teacher. $6,000 is needed to complete the ceiling and paint the school.
Learn more about the Mango Tree School here.
Make a donation to the Mango Tree School Ceiling here.
Congo For Christ Community Feeding Program
The feeding program for the community children continues to bring positive change in the area surrounding Congo for Christ. Several families are now attending church and even the crime and alcohol problems in the area are improving. Over 1,000 children are now fed twice a month! They would love to provide this lunch every week for the children. Some of the children who attend have not eaten for up to two days at a time. It costs $300 to feed 1,100 children. They also hear a gospel message. CCC staff members have made visits to homes of several of the children to follow up with help and encouragement.
Learn more about the Community Feeding Program here.
Make a donation to the Community Feeding Program here.
Blog Post Adapted From Global Outreach Inc May 2017 Newsletter
Volume 32 Issue 5