It is hard to believe Christmas will be here next month! As you can imagine, it is a very special time of celebration for all the orphans Global Outreach Inc supports in several countries around the world. These celebrations always include a time of worship and special church services to rejoice and celebrate the birth of our Savior! If funds permit, the children then enjoy a special meal and possibly a small gift.
Last year we invited our partners to send a special Christmas offering to provide for this celebration and several of you responded. We were so thankful to be able to provide extra funds for our orphans in Congo, India, Thailand and Vietnam.
As you can see in these pictures, the parties and special meal brought joy to our orphans. In Congo, the children each received a pair of flip flops...the first time they have received a Christmas gift. In India, the children always receive a new school uniform and if funds are available, a small toy. If you would like to bless these precious children this Christmas, please send your gift during the month of November so we can get the funds to them in time for their Christmas celebration.

Congo for Christ orphans enjoy the 2014 Christmas party with some very special treats.
To make a donation to help us continue to invest in these orphans and change their community please donate here:
Blog Post Adapted From Global Outreach Inc November 2015 Newsletter
Volume 30 Issue 11
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