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D.R. Congo Container Update

2015_07 -- Future Library.jpg

In our February newsletter, we began sharing with our partners the plan to purchase, fill, and ship a 40 foot container to Congo for Christ (CCC) in Uvira, Congo DRC. You responded generously to help fill the container with wonderful supplies that will dramatically improve the quality of life for the orphans at CCC, the orphans at Grace Orphanage, and also for the children who attend Mango Tree School. While these supplies will greatly impact their everyday lives, the most beneficial aspect will be when the container is turned into a library for the students at Mango Tree School and the surrounding community.

The most beneficial aspect will be when the container is turned into a library for the students at Mango Tree School and the surrounding community

We are so thrilled that Mango Tree School is completing the first year of classes in their new building this month. What a tremendous blessing the school has been to not only our orphans, but also the community children who otherwise may not have had the opportunity to attend school at all. It has been said many times that education is the key to getting out of poverty. Imagine how difficult it must be to teach children to read and write when the only resources you have to use are a chalkboard and the students have only a notebook and pencil. Without books to read, how do you develop reading skills? Reading is the key to education, which will open doors to more learning and eventually to jobs and employment opportunities.

Education is the key to getting out of poverty.

We feel the new library will be an essential key to improving the lives of all the children who use it. The container has loads of school supplies, teacher resources and most importantly, French and English books. Windows, doors, and shelving are also included to transform it from a shipping container to a library.

We feel the new library will be an essential key to improving the lives of all the children who use it.

When we entered into this project in conjunction with International Widows and Orphans Association in Canada, we knew there would be unforeseen obstacles to overcome before the library would be a reality. God has blessed in many ways and several have contributed toward filling and transporting the container to Canada and provided financial gifts to help defray the expenses related to getting this container to Congo. Now that the container has been completely filled and on it’s way to Africa, we received the actual cost required for duty and port charges in Tanzania and for trucking it to Uvira, Congo. Surprisingly, the cost far exceeds the amount we expected.

The cost is more than we anticipated, however, the value of getting these essential supplies and books to the orphanage cannot be overstated

Our original projections were based on an amount Compassionate Resource Warehouse in Canada, who has shipped over 300 containers, felt was reasonably accurate. We currently have $3000 on hand to apply to this project but will still fall short of the amount required for actual delivery to the CCC compound by approximately $5000. Yes, this has been a learning experience and the cost is more than we anticipated, however, the value of getting these essential supplies and books to the orphanage cannot be overstated. And, to have access to a library with plenty of books will elevate the quality of education and future opportunities of each of these children exponentially.

To have access to a library with plenty of books will elevate the quality of education and future opportunities of each of these children exponentially

Please help us pray the funds needed to complete this mission project will be supplied in a timely manner as the container is due to arrive this month. As you can see, the need is urgent! How we would love to be there to see the children’s faces when everything is unloaded. Every donation for this project is crucial!

Please help us pray the funds needed to complete this mission project will be supplied in a timely manner

If you are able to help us complete this important project and would like to donate please visit our Razoo fundraising page and be sure to designate your donation as going toward the "Cargo Container":

Blog Post Adapted From Global Outreach Inc July 2015 Newsletter

Volume 30 Issue 7

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