Shukuru, an orphan at Fizi Church in the Congo has received an educational sponsorship from Pam!
Thank you to Global Outreach Inc partners like Pam for your support! You are making such a huge difference in the lives of Congo orphans and their surrounding community.
Last month we announced our orphan sponsorship program was expanding to include 32 orphans supported by Fizi Church. For $12/month you are able to ensure that an orphan being cared for by Fizi Church can attend school, have the necessary supplies, and wear the required school uniform.
There are still opportunities to sponor either an orphan at Congo For Christ Center Orphanage or at Fizi Church in the Congo.
$35/month of support for an orphan will help provide:
Food and access to clean water
Supplies and medical support
Critical life skills
Biblical training and spiritual guidance
$12/month in support will ensure an orphan will:
Receive safe & quality education
Have access to school books & supplies
Wear the required local school uniform
Will you consider orphan sponsorship today?
To learn more about our Orphan Sponsorship programs please visit:
or email: