As I write this newsletter I have been back in America less than 24 hours from the mission trip to visit Congo for Christ in Uvira, Congo. My heart is overflowing with joy and thankfulness for this opportunity to spend a few days with the orphans, Bible college students and teachers, Pastors and Church leaders, church members and their families. It was especially wonderful to spend time in fellowship with Pastor Jeremiah. Global Outreach has supported him and his ministry since 1995. It was thrilling to see firsthand the Congo for Christ compound, purchased and funded totally by gifts from Global Outreach partners.
From the moment Jan Slaton and I walked out of the airport and met Pastor Jeremiah, and two of the other church leaders, until we said our good-byes at the same airport in Bujumbura, Burundi, we were treated like royalty. We were showered with love and affection from the youngest child to the oldest man we met, who happened to be Pastor Jeremiah’s father, age 85. He lives in another village, but Brother Jeremiah brought him to meet us. Once we left Burundi and crossed the border into Congo, a group of the ladies from the church were waiting on the side of the road to greet us. Hugs and smiles were shared all around, and Jan and I knew that we were in for a special week. Although we don’t share the same language, we share the same love of Christ in our hearts.
After the warm greeting from the ladies we loaded back into the van with all of our luggage and headed to Uvira. In town we learned the bridge was under repair, so our driver proceeded down a dirt path to ford the river. In the middle, our van’s engine was flooded and died. Many of the children who were playing in the river came over to us and smiled and waved and we waved and took pictures. A jeep towed us out, and eventually we were on our way again. We transferred to the jeep and after repairing a flat tire, and a few stops, we headed to the Congo for Christ compound.
We left the main road of Uvira, the only paved road in town, and headed up the mountain on a deeply rutted, boulder strewn road. I only call it a road, because I don’t really know how to describe it. Jan and I estimate the distance up the mountainside to reach the compound to be about a mile. We arrived at the compound, to once again be greeted by more ladies, and more hugs and smiles. As we looked around, in the distance we saw a huge mango tree with a beautiful sight under it. There the orphan children were waiting for us and were singing while they waited. We went over to them and they presented us with flowers and said "Good Morning" and gave us the biggest smiles you can imagine. Two of the young children recited a Bible verse in English and then they sang again. Suddenly we were surrounded by precious children, who all wanted to hold our hands and hug us at the same time. Jan and I fell instantly in love with these adorable children and couldn't wait to spend time with them.
Next we were taken on a walking tour of the entire compound to view all of the buildings and gain a better understanding of the size and layout of the compound. This is truly a wonderful plot of land, large enough to add many needed facilities and still have room for gardens, fruit trees, and spaces for the children to play. Between the compound and the main road are huts filled with hundreds of boys and girls, men and women who need Jesus. Pastor Jeremiah and the church leaders have a desire to evangelize the entire area and share the good news of the gospel to their neighbors.
Our precious brothers and sisters in Congo are so appreciative of everything that has been provided to them through the gifts of Global Outreach partners. They are ambitious and willing to work hard, but the opportunities for jobs and earning enough to support their families is almost nonexistent. Still, they give out of their meager resources to help each other. They send their love and sincere thanks to each of you. I trust that each of you will also be filled with joy to know that your gifts are impacting so many lives, not only in Congo, but in many nations around the world.
Because you care, every day hundreds of orphans are fed by ministries supported by Global Outreach. Thanks be to God!
To see many more pictures from this mission trip to Congo For Christ please download our November 2010 newsletter:
Learn more about Global Outreach ministries in the Congo:
To make a donation to assist Global Outreach continue to care for orphans around the world and to spread the Gospel please visit our donation page:!donate/c1ghi