$35/month basic support
helps provide an orphan:
A safe environment to live & grow
Adequate food & garden sustainment
Access to healthy clean water
Medical support & supplies
Biblical teaching & spiritual guidance
Critical life skills & training
$12/month of additional support
ensures an orphan will:
Receive safe & quality education
Have access to school books & supplies
Wear the required local school uniform
Email us with sponsorship questions at: sponsorship@global-outreach.net
1) Choose one or more orphans to sponsor by adding their sponsorship packages to the eCommerce shopping cart. Not every location where we have a sponsorship program will have both the basic and education packages available.
2) Check out and pay the first month's sponsorship fees in a safe secure manner right through our website in just a couple of clicks.
3) After you submit your request our Sponsorship Coordinator will contact you soon to give you an option on how you would like to make future monthly payments and to confirm your contact details.
4) You will receive a photo of your sponsored orphan in the mail shortly after the Sponsorship Coordinator contacts you and other updates as they are available.
5) 100% of your program support that Global Outreach Inc receives goes directly to orphan programs for maximum impact to your sponsored orphan.
You can start making a difference today!
These orphans are waiting for a sponsor
Location: Fizi Church, D. R. Congo
Sponsorship package available: $12/month education
Location: Samoeng Girls Home, Thailand
Sponsorship package available: $47/month basic+education
Location: Congo For Christ Center, D. R. Congo
Sponsorship packageS available: $35/month basic or $47/month basic+education