Every month we look forward to the reports and pictures we receive from Pastor *Samuel in Bangladesh. He and his evangelistic outreach team spend their time and energy traveling to remote villages to share the gospel with many who have never heard the name of Jesus. He recently shared the story of a hill tribe woman named *Mauli. She writes:
“My name is Mauli and I have two sons and one daughter. I work all day long at Jhum (slash and burn) cultivation. We are very poor and live hand to mouth. Last month I had big pain in my stomach and could not work. Since we were Buddhist family my husband went to visit the monk for my healing. He told us to sacrifice a pig. In spite of being very poor, we had to buy a young pig and sacrifice. My pain got worse and worse and was unbearable. I was crying all the time. My husband told the evangelism team that visited our village about my situation and they came to our house. The Pastor shared about God’s love and salvation and James 5:16 and Psalm 34:17. He said if I believe Jesus Christ is my Lord and personal Savior, He will also heal me in the name of Nazareth Jesus. Pastor asked me, do you believe Jesus Christ? I said, yes I believe! After Pastor lay hands on my stomach and prayed loudly to God, then I heard someone told me in my ears that your stomach pain has released right now. As soon as Pastor prayer finished, it was amazing that my stomach pain was completely healed!! Since then my family also miraculously touched in their hearts and accepted Christ. Although my faith is very new now, I’m involved in women ministry and I’m sharing my testimony wherever I have a chance to speak. I know that God is calling me to spread His word and glorify His name.”
Bill and Renee will be visiting Pastor *Samuel in Bangladesh this month. Please pray for this visit as well as the continuing ministry in the hill tribe area. The ministry team relies on our monthly support as well as additional funds for much needed supplies and equipment. Help us in taking the gospel to the unreached!
*names have been changed