December 9, 2017 was the wedding day of Ricky Helke and Sheila Archambault in Washington DC. Ricky has been a member of the annual National Community Church mission teams to Congo for Christ since 2011. Sheila also joined the team in 2017. Ricky has sponsored seven of the orphans at Congo for Christ Center (CCC) for several years.

When Sheila and Ricky were planning their wedding they wanted to include the children and staff of CCC in the celebration. They generously donated the funds for all children, staff and families of CCC to have their own wedding reception celebration in honor of Ricky and Sheila’s wedding. The children were so excited to be a part of this special day. They prepared dances, singing and other entertainment. They were all treated to the best meal they have had since CCC began. The feast included both goat and chicken and even a wedding cake. Thank you to Ricky and Sheila for including the Congo for Christ orphans in your wedding celebration. The children will always remember this special day!

Blog Post Adapted From Global Outreach Inc January 2018 Newsletter
Volume 33 Issue 01
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