Two orphans from Congo For Christ Orphanage started college last year thanks to generous donations from Global Outreach supporters. Heritier and Ramazani are both very thankful for the opportunities they have been given and wanted to personally thank all of the people who have many such a huge difference in their lives. We look forward to seeing what God will do through these young men as they look forward to using their gifts, talents, and abilities to make an even bigger impact on their communities after college for Christ.
I thank God for all that He is doing in my life. I want to thank Pastor Jeremiah Rukukuye who obeyed God’s voice and started this ministry to raise and give hope to the hopeless in the community to become future responsible leaders. I want also to give gratitude to all our sponsors from Global Outreach who have been working tirelessly to make sure that we are getting our needs met.
I have now completed my first year at university because of your love and support. I can’t give you anything but our loving God knows what to do for you. I am praying for you every day.
I am praying for God’s provision so that I can be able to continue with my studies this next academic year. My vision is to become a God fearing Doctor who will help the community and the marginalized people. Please pray with me so that in September I will continue with my studies. God bless you so much for the great work you are doing.
Heritier Isaac
I give praise and honor to God the Almighty who helped me complete this first academic year at the university. This year I sat for 19 course units and managed to score good grades in the classes.
I say thank you to Pastor Jeremiah. I got this chance to study because of the vision of this man of God. I also want to thank Daniel, Asumani, and Bokechi for their support throughout this year. God bless them for all they are doing.
I want also to give my gratitude to Global Outreach ministries for the great love and support they have shown in our lives and studies. God bless you all and He knows the best reward He can give you for the great work you are doing of giving hope to the hopeless.
My wish is to continue with my studies up to the end. I am praying for God’s provision so that in September I will be able to go back and continue with my second year. I love you all and I am praying for you.
Ramazani Djuma
Every donation to the Global Outreach Scholarship Fund makes a huge difference a young person who wouldn't otherwise get to pursue a college education.
To learn more about the scholarship fund and make a donation please visit our online donation store.
Blog Post Adapted From Global Outreach Inc August 2016 Newsletter
Volume 31 Issue 08
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