Praise God! We received the long awaited news and pictures that the container has successfully been unloaded and all the amazing goods that you donated are now at Congo for Christ! It is with great joy and thanksgiving that we share the following message received from Pastor Jeremiah and Daniel:
We thank God for what He has done for us. We received the container that was sent to us and yesterday it was offloaded. We finished all the government processes and now the goods are in our storage building at CCC. We thank Global Outreach and all their friends who donated to make sure that this container reached us.
God bless you for the great work that you are doing. The children were very happy to receive the goods from USA at CCC and they thanked God for His greatness and love to their lives. After receiving all the goods at the center the children together with the CCC management held a thanksgiving prayer before doing anything else.
God bless you all for the great work that you are doing for these vulnerable children in Uvira. May our loving God be with you all and may His blessing shower on you!
Pastor Jeremiah and Daniel

We join with our friends in Congo to express our heartfelt appreciation to each of you that contributed in so many ways to make this day a reality. The process turned out to take much longer and cost much more than originally anticipated. In this case, we believe the setbacks and challenges have served to make this day all the sweeter and provided more cause for rejoicing.
More pictures are coming to the blog and facebook this month.
Blog Post Adapted From Global Outreach Inc September 2015 Newsletter
Volume 30 Issue 9
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