This month are giving you updates on orphans you help support in several orphanages throughout Asia.
In 2014 we introduced the 44 orphans and staff at Bethel Orphanage* after we visited them in Vietnam. Even though security concerns limit our visits, we continue to pray for them and send monthly support to help feed the children. Some of the older children were able to find low-paying jobs and are now able to live independently. Several new younger children picked up off the streets have now taken their places. The report we received from Pastor *Daniel indicates, “Through God’s grace and your kind support, the orphans are having a better life this year relative to previous years. They have food each day, even though on some days it may be minimal.”

The first two homes at Horizon of Hope Village will house up to 24 children.
Bethel Orphanage operates underground as local authorities persecute any known Christian work of this type. A few weeks after we visited in 2014, the police came and searched the orphanage at midnights and threatened to close them down immediately. Thank God, this action has not happened, but the threat remains a matter of prayer and concern. The greatest need is for ongoing monthly support.
We trust that this brief look at some of the orphans that receive support from your gifts will remind you to pray for them. At Global Outreach we strive to carefully and prayerfully send your donations to well-run orphanages and homes where we know the children are taught about the love of Christ for them and where the money we send truly makes a difference in their lives. As always, 100% of every dollar you give for these orphans will be sent as you designate. Bless you for caring for these precious little ones.
To make a donation to Bethel Orphanage please visit our Razoo donation page and specify that your donation is for the orphans in Vietnam :
*Name has been changed for security reasons
Blog Post Adapted From Global Outreach Inc May 2015 Newsletter
Volume 30 Issue 5