-- $25 = feed 50 children for one day
-- $50 = feed 100 children for one day
-- $100 = salary for 2 cooks for one 1 month
-- $150 = fuel and food to feed 300 students for 1 day
-- $500 = salaries for 2 cooks for 1 semester
Most of the nearly 300 orphans and community children attending school at Mango Tree School come to school on empty stomachs. They spend the day trying to learn and concentrate on their studies while hungry. The feeding program will provide one meal a day for these malnourished and impoverished children because hungry stomachs do not make for a good learning experience. At Mango Tree School we are educating and training these children with a values based Christian education that will transform their personal lives, their community, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.